5 thoughts on ““Help Me! Help Me!”

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  2. Wow. I landed here while searching the internet for the millionth time for anything that accurately depicts the journey of anxiety and benzo withdrawal. These are by far the most illustrative descriptions of what we go through. I really hope that you can publish a book because so many would benefit not to mention appreciate the art. I sent the link to my friends who are in this too. Thank you!

  3. I just stumbled upon your site and wanted to let you know that nearly every single one of your drawings resonated with my experiences these past 17 months. I also want to commend you because I’m an artist too and have barely been able to devote any time to creation during this.

    I have been wanting to process this whole experience in a way that would help me heal inside, as well as educate the public. I am so glad to have stumbled upon your drawings. You’re an inspiration. I hope you are doing well. Please consider publishing a book with these. The world needs to see them.

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